Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ANDRE DUBUS (August 11, 1936 - February 24, 1999) was an American short story wryter, essay ist, and autobiographer. He is recognized ad one of the best American short-story writers in the 2o th century. But above all is a hero.
"Lights of the long night" is a description of the night of July, 1986. Dubus was driving from Boston to his home when he stopped to help two motorists, Llluis and Luz Santiago, who had impacted with a motocycle. Fate sometimes plays tricks and thet night wanted another car hit Dubus and Luis but not Luz. The car didn't hit her because Dubus, despite he had time to get to shelter, instead of thinking about himself he thought of Luz and he pushed her away from the lights, the same lights he hoped they would be friends and instead cost him both legs.
Dubus would spend three painful years undergoing a series of operations, and extensive physical therapy.
Despite his efforts to walk with a prosthesis, chronic infactions confined him to a weelchair for the remainder of his life. Dubus continues to battle the pain imposed by is condition, and with clinical depression. Over the course of these struggles Dubus third wife left him, taking with her their two young daugthers.
Dubus found a deeper religious faith at this time. A practicing Catholic all his life. Dubus found that the loss of his mobility drew him closer to God, and renewed his Catholis faith at a deeper level.
Dubus spent his later years in Haverhill, until his death from a hearth attack in 1999, at age 62. He's buried in Greenwood Cemetery, near where he lived, in Haverhill, MA.
He Married three times, and fathered six children.

A nap is a short period of sleep, usually in the daytime. Naps maybe taken when becomes drowsy during the day or as a traditional daily practice. It's common for snall children and elderly people to take frequent nap.
Napping has been found to be beneficial. Napping for 20 minutes can help regresh the mind, improve overale alertness, boost mood and increase productivity.
Studyes demonstrate that naps are so good as a night of sleep fare some types of memory tasks.
"The National Istitute of mental Health" funded ateam of dctors, led by Alan Holoson, Robert Stickgold and colleagues at Harvard University for a study which showed that a midday snooze reverses information overload. Reporting in Nature Neuroscienze, Sara Mednick, Stickgold and colleagues also demonstrated that, in some cases, a one-hour nap cauld even boost performance to an individual's top levels.
The NIMH team wrote: "the bottom line is: we should stop feeling guilty about taking that "power nap" at work".
(A "power nap", also known as stage 2 nap, is a short slumber of 20 minutes or less which before the occurrence of deep slow-wave sleep (SWS) intended to quickly revitalize the napper. The expression "power nap" was coined by Cornell University social psychologist James Maas).
After the Japanese, the first to discover the importance in the modern era to conceive of a nap and daytime capsules designed to recover energy, now it's up to the Argentines. In Buenos Aires has just been opened near the financial district center "selfishness", a place designed to give managers pause regenerating.
The psychologist Viviana Vega conceived "the sestiario" and with partner Daniel Leynaud, has designed the ideal place nap. There are three cabins oriented following the principle of Feng Shui with a bed designed specifically for this use, where you can sit for up to 45 minutes.
Before the siesta is required to deal with an assistant that evaluates the form, color, backgraund music and the ideal time for a rest as effective as possible. When the siesta is over tea and biscuits are offered to managers. The standard package costs around 20 euros, complete with massage than 34 euros.
I would like to be a manager in Buenos Aires just to try this place......

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dave Barry is a pulitzer price-winning American author and columnist (is a journalist who writes for publication in a series,creating copy that can sometimes be strongly opinionated) but above all he's a humorist. He usually writes about everything with humor and he's written are nice and funny. Sometimes important topics become easy and pleasent to read and start reading at the end a smile on your lips is guaranteed!!!

Here you can find many articles written by Barry:

Ebay was founded in 1995 and now it's multi-billion dollar business with operations localized in over thirty countries. Sales can be managed in several ways such as "buy now" or auction and also applies to payments which may be made through Pay Pal,credit etc. Any kind of thing can be bought and sold even the strangest or most unusual. But ebay has pros and cons. Surely we can say that buyng on internet is convinient and fast,we have a choice and we can compare prices,all sitting on our couch or desk easily. And once sent the order everything to do is to wait until the package arrives! But what about security? And who guarantees that the object in the picture is exactly what we are buying? These are tipical questions that a buyer should ask because nobody guarantees. Also buy on the internet takes away the pleasure of touching the product and the ability to assess the actual price and the actual state. But this is only a matter of view. It's sure that ebay can be dangerous and is an "object" that must be carefully handled......

"Today jeans personify all that is good about America and its democratic values of indipendence and equality".
I just can agree because that's exactly what jeans are above all! All different "kinds" of people can wear jeans bacause there are so many different kinds of sizes,colors and forms. There is no limit of skin colors,age,gender or body. Everybody can wear jeans! And they are so adaptable! Jeans can be elegant,sporty,casual etc. It depends on what you put on with them like shoes,tops, t-shirt,shirt. Jeans are confortable,too. So you can use them to go to work,to date someone,to work in the garden,to go out with friends,to have a trip and other things like those. Besides jeans are appreciated by boys and girls as they fit bodies! But like all clothes,the most important thing is who is wearing jeans! Choose yours than.....